divendres, 25 de desembre del 2015


Merry Chrismas

Hi, After one year

 today is Chrysmas.

Have a nice day!!!!

Merry Chrismas



dilluns, 14 de desembre del 2015

Change into english




Hi, I change every things on the computer. 

-  I change the lliurex (OS).

-  After I change the navegator so.

-  In the third place I change the Gmail.

-  And in the final I change the Blogger.

And this is all that I do today, see you soon

dimecres, 2 de desembre del 2015

The new course


The new course

 COURSE 2015/2016

Hi, I'm Eduard Gimenez. I live in Alzira Valencia, and study 3r levol in secundary school IES Jose Maria Parra.

I like to play sports like football, tennis, table tennis, baseball, handball etc. but I love basketball, I play basketball in the club of my Town, I am the base in my team.

I like ICT because I like computers