dijous, 16 de febrer del 2017



  • What a computer network is?

A computer network or data network is a telecommunications network which allows nodes to share resources. In computer networks, networked computing devices exchange data with each other using a data link. The connections between nodes are established using either cable media or wireless media. The best-known computer network is the Internet.

  • What a LAN is?

local-area network (LAN) is a computer network that spans a relatively small area. Most often, a LAN is confined to a single room, building or group of buildings, however, one LAN can be connected to other LANs over any distance via telephone lines and radio waves.

  • What an IP number is?    
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing.

  • How to find computer IP number?
For any version of Linux system, simply by typing ''ipconfig'' at the prompt, you will see all of the information about my IP Address.

  • How to find the router in your net?

Tired of being the only wireless network in your apartment building without a clever name like “Wu-tang LAN,” or “Bill Wi the Science Fi?” Looking to finally add a password to your network that prevents your neighbors from mooching off your internet connection? Most routers come with a default IP address and login credentials, which vary from one manufacturer to the next. 

dilluns, 13 de febrer del 2017



File System

A file system is the methods and data structures that an operating system uses to keep track of files on a disk or partition; That is, it is the way in which files are organized on the disk. The term is also used to refer to a partition or disk being used for storage, or the type of file system it uses. So one can say "I have two file systems" referring to having two partitions in which to store files, or one that uses the "extended files" system, referring to the type of the file system.

File system type
Disk File Systems
Network File Systems
Special Purpose File Systems
File System by Operating System
File Systems in Windows ............... .FAT:
File System on Linux ......................-EXT:
MacOS File System ..................-HFS:

Example of 'path' on a Unix system
So, for example, in a Unix-like system like GNU / Linux, the path for the song called "The song.ogg" of the user "So-and-so" would look something like:
/ Home / Fulano / My music / The song.ogg
/ Represents the root directory where the entire file system is mounted.
Home / Fulano / My music / is the file path.
The .ogg song is the name of the file that is set to unique.
.ogg is the File Extension.
Example of 'path' in a Windows system
An analogous example in a Windows file system (specifically in Windows 8) would look like:
C: \ Users \ John \ Music \ song.mp3
C: is the storage drive in which the file is located.
\ Users \ Socket \ Music \ is the path of the file.
Song is the name of the file.

.mp3 is the file extension, this element (part of the name) is especially relevant in Microsoft Windows systems, because it serves to identify what type of file it is and the application that is associated with the file in question, ie with what Program can be opened and read, edited or played back. For most modern operating systems file extension is a bureaucratic complement only useful for user observation, since the various file and application management environments analyze the information contained in the beginning of the file (MIME headers ) To determine its function or association, which is usually cataloged in the MIME Content-Type table in the system. The Windows system allows hiding the extension of the files if the user wishes, otherwise the extension appears in the names of all files. In the Windows XP operating system, if the user changes the file extension, the file may become unusable if the new extension associates it with a program that does not have the ability to edit or play that file type. Some users also enable the display of extensions on Windows systems as a precaution to avoid viruses that use icons or names similar to the user's personal files, since the extension allows to identify the .EXE files (executable in Windows).

dijous, 2 de febrer del 2017



1.- The easiest is to use the package manager to bring all distributions. With it we can install programs immediately muchisimos using the repositories from the Internet or from a CD. For example, in Ubuntu you can install applications by going to the Center software (or also installing the package manager Synaptic ).
2 -You can also choose to download programs from any website, so it is best to lower them in a specific format for your distribution: In Ubuntu, Debian and derivatives packet format used .deb , and you have several pages devoted to collecting programs like www.getdeb.net and uptodown.com/ubuntu . In the case of other distributions like Suse or Fedora format used .rpm . Once the packages have been downloaded you can install them by clicking on them.Programs will be added to the list of installed applications in the package manager of your computer. 

3 -  You can install programs from your web browser: To do this, there are the so - called  apt , which are links that allow you when you press install programs directly from a web page. This only works on some Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, and is to enter the address program or file you want to install on your web browser:   apt: name of the program

 4 -   If you need to use any program created for Windows, you can use it on Linux if you installed before the libraries of Wine . With Wine can run Windows applications on Linux using the installation files .exe or .msi and installing them in the traditional way. For more information read how to install Windows programs on Linux . You can also use Play on Linux , used to automate the installation of Windows programs and games, so you simply choose a program from the list and will be installed automatically.

5 - If the program comes in an executable file formats as .bin , the .run , or scripts .sh , to install it first must give execution privileges by clicking the right mouse button on its icon and clicking on " Properties " . When the file already has execute permissions you can execute it in 2 ways: pressing on or from a terminal. (For more information read how to execute files on Linux ).